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Operated Thanh Huyen


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Thanh Huyen Bus

Sapa - Thai Nguyen

Departure time:  07:00am, 19.00pm 

Sapa - Tuyen Quang

Departure time:  07:00am, 19.00pm 

Tuyen Quang - Sapa

Departure time:  11:50am, 22.00pm 

Thai Nguyen - Sapa

Departure time:  07:00am, 19.00pm 

Sapa Thai Nguyen bus is the best choice for travelers who prefer direct transfer service between Sapa and Thai Nguyen instead of taking transit in Sapa.

Bus with leather sleeping berths

Sapa -  Departure time:  07:00am, 19.00pm 

Thai Nguyen - Departure time:  10:00am, 19.00pm

8 hours of direct transfer from Sapa to Bac Giang with 2 breaks

Bus Itinerary

30 minutes before departrue time, staff arrange seat location and luggages for pasengers.

After 9 hours of transfer, the bus arrives at Thai Nguyen bus station

Pick up and drop off point

This sleeping bus will transfer you only from the bus station in Sapa to the one in Thai Nguyen and vice versa, meaning pick-up service at Hotel is unavailable

Sapa: pick up and drop off at New Sapa bus station. Get directions

Thai Nguyen: pick up and drop off at Thai Nguyen bus station Get directions

Please be ready at the bus office at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time.

Other information

This is just the local bus with no English speaking guide on the bus and might stop to pick up more passengers on the way.

Seats will be arranged on the first come first served order.

Cancellation policy

48 hours before departure time: USD 2 per 1 ticket will be charged as handling fee

Within 48 hours prior to departure time: 100% of the total price is charged

Passenger not showing up: 100% of total price is charged

Route Description Price

Booking Ticket Online: Sapa - Thai Nguyen

Pick up: New Sapa Bus station
300000 đ

Booking Ticket Online: Thai Nguyen - Sapa

pick up Thai Nguyen Bus Station
300000 đ

Booking Ticket Online: Tuyen Quang - Sapa

the gate outside the bus station
300000 đ

Booking Ticket Online: Sapa - Tuyen Quang

pick up New Sapa Bus station
300000 đ

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The qualitative car
Precise time
Quality serve
A stewardess on the

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