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Operated Vietnam Bus Travel


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The phone booking  Ket Doan Bus:

WHATSAPP: +84-979-110-111

Office in Sapa

Add: 573 Dien Bien Phu Street

Office in Hanoi 

Hanoi - Sapa

Depart time: 6.00am 

Sapa - Hanoi 

Depart time: 15.00pm 

Free pick-up and drop-off in Hanoi City.

Free pick-up and drop-off in Hanoi airport.

Free pick-up and drop-off in Sapa Town.

Our free pick-up & drop-off service is available at non-airport branches and during normal Our free pick-up & drop-off service is available at non-airport branches and during normal business hours. To schedule your pick-up time. 

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